Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1654 per la valutazione di campioni verniciati o rivestiti

Metodo di prova standard ASTM D1654 per la valutazione di campioni verniciati o rivestiti

Gennaio 13 2024

Che cos'è lo standard ASTM D1654?  Metodo di prova standard per la valutazione di campioni verniciati o rivestiti sottoposti ad ambienti corrosivi1

8. Procedure A—Evaluation of Rust Creepage for Scribed Specimens
8.1 Rinse each specimen after completion of the exposure period, using a gentle stream of water at a temperature up to 45°C (110°F). Rimuovere il rivestimento lungo il graffio con uno dei seguenti metodi in modo che tutta la corrosione del substrato (ovvero, rumometria o sottosquadro) possa essere osservata utilizzando uno dei seguenti metodi.
8.1.1 Method 1 (Scraping)—Scrape the specimen vigorously with and instrument described in 5.3.1.
8.1.2 Method 2 (Knife)-Pick off the loose or lifted coating with a knife described in 5.3.2.
8.1.3 Method 3 (Paint Stripper)—Soak the panels in paint stripper or suitable solvent as described in 5.3.3 until the coating around the scribe is removed, or can be removed with a spatula.
8.1.4 Method 4 (Air Blow-Of)—Holding the nozzle, as described in 5.3.4, at approximately a 45° angle, blow along the entire scribe line, disturbing the surface adjacent to the scribe adjacent to the scribe mechanically by the air nozzle to ensure an opening for the air blast.
8.1.5 Method 5 (Power Washer)—Using a power washer described in 5.3.5, remove the coating around the scribe.
8.1.6 Other methods can be used to remove loose material around the scribe if agreed upon between purchaser and seller.

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