EN 61373 Test di Vibrazione / IEC 61373 Test di Vibrazione Di Veicoli Ferroviari

EN 61373 Test di Vibrazione / IEC 61373 Test di Vibrazione Di Veicoli Ferroviari

Aprile 08 2024

EN 61373 Il metodo di prova delle vibrazioni specifica i requisiti per le sostanze di prova utilizzate nel materiale rotabile ferroviario che, a causa della natura dell'ambiente operativo ferroviario, sono successivamente soggette a vibrazioni e urti. Per garantire che la qualità del dispositivo sia accettabile, deve resistere a test di durata ragionevole, simulando le condizioni di utilizzo per tutta la sua vita prevista.

Simulated long life testing can be implemented in a number of ways, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, the following are the most common:
a) Amplification: the amplitude increases and the time base decreases;
b) Time compression: keep the amplitude history and reduce the hour base (increase the frequency);
c) Extraction: When the amplitude is lower than the specified threshold, the time slice of historical data is deleted.

The standard is primarily concerned with rolling stock on fixed track systems. However, its wider use is not ruled out. For systems using pneumatic tyres or other transport systems such as trolleybuses, suppliers and customers must agree on the level of testing at the tender stage.

Sequenza di test

Vertical, transverse and longitudinal simulated long-life testing by increased random vibration; followed by vertical, transverse and longitudinal shock testing; followed by transportation and handling (when identified/agreed) and finally by vertical, transverse and longitudinal functional random testing.
The test sequence can be changed to minimize re-jigging. The test sequence should be recorded in the report and should be compared during the simulated long life test using a time transfer function in order to determine if any changes have occurred in the simulated long life test.

Condizioni di prova di vibrazione casuale funzionale

Gravità del test e intervallo di frequenza

Shaker systems shall be tested according to the relevant root-mean-square values and frequency ranges shown in Table 1. When the installation direction of the device is unclear or unknown, the test should be carried out on three axes, with the vertical axis giving the root-mean-square value.

Durata delle prove di vibrazione funzionale

Note 1: The purpose of this test is to demonstrate that the device under test is not affected by the test levels applied, which represent the expected level of use.
Note 2: Imagine that these tests are usually no less than 10 minutes long.
The duration of the functional vibration test shall be sufficient to enable all specified functions to be performed.

Test di lunga durata simulati con livelli di vibrazione casuali aumentati

Gravità del test e intervallo di frequenza

When the installation direction of the device is unclear or unknown, the device shall perform the vertical test level of Table 2 on all three axes.

Durata delle prove di vibrazione accelerata

All categories of equipment should undergo a total conditioning time of 15 hours. This should usually be divided into 5 hours of conditioning time on three axes perpendicular to each other. If the problem of overheating of the equipment is found during the test (such as vibration of rubber parts, etc.), the test is allowed to stop for a period of time in order to return the equipment to normal. However, it must be noted that the total duration of 5hl vibration should be achieved. If the test stops, this should be stated in the report.

Note 1: The device does not need to work during this test.
Note 2: Vibration amplitude can be reduced with prior consent.

As a certified expert in the field of vibration table for testing, we recognize the importance of simulating long-life vibration testing and we will help manufacturers meet EN 61373, BS EN 61373, DS/EN 61373 and IEC 61373 compliance. Develop the perfect solution and guide the company through the whole process.

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